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Ministry of Education’s pre-stakeholder meeting represents another step forward in TVET in Guyana

Ministry of Education’s pre-stakeholder meeting represents another step forward in TVET in Guyana

THE Ministry of Education (MoE), with the support of the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC), recently hosted a pre-stakeholder meeting for the regional examination body’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ).

The pre-meeting represents another major step forward for technical and vocational education in Guyana.

As Guyana continues to grow its economy in sectors such as oil and gas, agriculture, construction and ICT, the importance of producing a workforce equipped with skills and technical expertise recognized cannot be hidden.

The CVQ initiative aims to align student skills with industry demands, thereby improving the employability of graduates and contributing to national development.

The main objective of the pre-stakeholder meeting was to describe the current status of CVQ integration within the Guyanese education system, identify key areas for improvement and discuss the role that each stakeholder should play. play to ensure the successful implementation of CVQs in schools and training establishments. .

The meeting provided a platform for the Ministry of Education and stakeholders to discuss ways to streamline certification processes, standardize training programs and ensure qualifications are recognized locally and internationally.

The ministry explained that the CVQ system is part of a broader effort by the CXC to encourage Caribbean countries to prioritize technical education and provide students with an alternative route to academic qualifications.

By earning a CVQ, students not only demonstrate their skills in a specific professional field, but also earn a certification recognized throughout the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

The Ministry of Education said that by establishing strong partnerships between the Ministry of Education, the CXC and the private sector, Guyana is positioning itself to produce a highly skilled and internationally certified workforce.

As Guyana continues to experience unprecedented economic growth, the integration of CVQ programs will provide a vital boost to the country’s development, while equipping students with the skills they need to succeed.

The pre-meeting was headed by Deputy Director of Technical Education (DCEO-Tech), Dr. Ritesh Tularam; Director of the National Accreditation Council, Dr. Marcel Hutson and CVQ Auditor, Linda Stewart Duncan. The event also brought together education leaders, vocational training professionals and industry partners to discuss the future of vocational qualifications and their wider impact on students and the economy.

The CVQ is a regional certification that equips students with the practical skills needed to excel in various technical and professional fields.